Free App for AFCAT exam
Here user can easily learn in offline mode as well where they can download the mock test papers and solve them and get the graph of their knowledge base.
This app has all kind of current affairs and other news which help to solve AFCAT kind of papers efficiently
Most of the students also want to know about educational institutes in India offering higher education. Few students want to go out of the country to pursue higher education.
For that they need detailed information about admission process in different countries. Career Lift mobile app helps the students in this journey from the beginning to the end.
Most of the students during the exam get confused with Multiple choice questions (MCQ) because all the option are similar to overcome this situation you need to practice as much as possible. Because practice make you perfect.
Fast UI, Best in class user-interface presented in Android app Quiz format
App designed to work for all screens - Phones & Tablets
Review your answers against right answers - Learn fast
Detail reports on your performance of all quiz attended
No limits on quiz, retry any number of times
- Mathematics in detail
- General knowledge - Awareness (GK)
- Including, Sports, Places, Events, etc
- Indian Polity (Political system)
- Basic economics & commerce Q/A (GK)
- Indian Freedom movement
- Indian History
- Indian Geography
- General Awareness
- English
- Reasoning
- Numeric Ability
- SSC Combined Graduate Level Examinations,
- NDA, CDS, Railway Exams, Post Office
- Civil services exam(IAS) prelims test series and study material.
- Public Administration
- Indian Polity
- Indian Economy
- Prelims Manuals
- Aptitude for CSAT and others
- Mains General Studies
General Awareness :- Civics, politics, art and culture, science, geography, sports, current affairs and history.
Reasoning and Military Aptitude :- Comprehension, error detection, english grammar, sentence completion, antonym and synonym.
Numerical Ability :- Simplification, decimal fraction, boats and streams, speed time and distance, time and work, problems based on ages, average, percentage, profit and loss, simple interest and compound interest.
Verbal Ability :- Spatial ability, analogy, coding and decoding and odd man out.
Engineering Knowledge Test (EKT) :- Electrical Engineering, Instrumentation Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering.
- Simple and user friendly interface.
- Topic wise tests for earlier year question papers.
- Works offline.
- Topic wise performance analysis is provided at the end of the test.
- Result analysis of each test.
- Review of tests is provided. The status of each question is shown.
Aplikasi Gratis untuk ujian AFCAT
Di sini pengguna dapat dengan mudah belajar dalam mode offline juga di mana mereka dapat mengunduh makalah tes tiruan dan menyelesaikannya dan mendapatkan grafik basis pengetahuan mereka.
Aplikasi ini memiliki semua jenis urusan saat ini dan berita lain yang membantu untuk menyelesaikan jenis kertas AFCAT secara efisien
Sebagian besar siswa juga ingin tahu tentang lembaga pendidikan di India yang menawarkan pendidikan tinggi. Beberapa siswa ingin pergi ke luar negeri untuk mengejar pendidikan tinggi.
Untuk itu mereka membutuhkan informasi terperinci tentang proses penerimaan di berbagai negara. Aplikasi seluler Career Lift membantu siswa dalam perjalanan ini dari awal hingga akhir.
Sebagian besar siswa selama ujian menjadi bingung dengan pertanyaan pilihan ganda (MCQ) karena semua opsi serupa untuk mengatasi situasi ini Anda perlu berlatih sebanyak mungkin. Karena latihan membuat Anda sempurna.
UI cepat, antarmuka pengguna terbaik di kelasnya disajikan dalam format Kuis aplikasi Android
Aplikasi yang dirancang untuk bekerja untuk semua layar - Ponsel & Tablet
Tinjau jawaban Anda dengan jawaban yang benar - Belajarlah dengan cepat
Detail laporan kinerja Anda dari semua kuis yang dihadiri
Tidak ada batasan pada kuis, coba lagi beberapa kali
- Matematika secara detail
- Pengetahuan umum - Kesadaran (GK)
- Termasuk, Olahraga, Tempat, Acara, dll
- Pemerintahan India (sistem politik)
- Ekonomi Dasar & Perdagangan Q / A (GK)
- Gerakan Kebebasan India
- Sejarah India
- Geografi India
- Kesadaran umum
- Bahasa Inggris
- Penalaran
- Kemampuan Numerik
- Pemeriksaan Tingkat Sarjana Gabungan SSC,
- NDA, CDS, Ujian Kereta Api, Kantor Pos
- Seri ujian ujian layanan sipil (IAS) dan bahan studi.
- Administrasi publik
- Pemerintahan India
- Ekonomi India
- Manual Prelims
- Bakat untuk CSAT dan lainnya
- Jurusan Studi Umum
Kesadaran Umum: - Kewarganegaraan, politik, seni dan budaya, ilmu pengetahuan, geografi, olahraga, urusan saat ini dan sejarah.
Penalaran dan Kemampuan Militer: - Pemahaman, deteksi kesalahan, tata bahasa inggris, penyelesaian kalimat, antonim dan sinonim.
Kemampuan Numerik: - Penyederhanaan, pecahan desimal, kapal dan sungai, kecepatan waktu dan jarak, waktu dan pekerjaan, masalah berdasarkan usia, rata-rata, persentase, untung dan rugi, bunga sederhana dan bunga majemuk.
Kemampuan Verbal: - Kemampuan spasial, analogi, coding dan decoding dan orang aneh keluar.
Rekayasa Pengetahuan Tes (EKT): - Teknik Listrik, Teknik Instrumentasi, Teknik Aerospace, Teknik Listrik dan Elektronik, Ilmu Komputer dan Teknik Mesin.
- Antarmuka yang sederhana dan ramah pengguna.
- Tes bijaksana Topik untuk makalah pertanyaan tahun sebelumnya.
- Bekerja offline.
- Topik analisis kinerja yang bijaksana disediakan pada akhir tes.
- Analisis hasil setiap tes.
- Tinjauan tes disediakan. Status setiap pertanyaan ditampilkan.
Free App for AFCAT exam
Here user can easily learn in offline mode as well where they can download the mock test papers and solve them and get the graph of their knowledge base.
This app has all kind of current affairs and other news which help to solve AFCAT kind of papers efficiently
Most of the students also want to know about educational institutes in India offering higher education. Few students want to go out of the country to pursue higher education.
For that they need detailed information about admission process in different countries. Career Lift mobile app helps the students in this journey from the beginning to the end.
Most of the students during the exam get confused with Multiple choice questions (MCQ) because all the option are similar to overcome this situation you need to practice as much as possible. Because practice make you perfect.
Fast UI, Best in class user-interface presented in Android app Quiz format
App designed to work for all screens - Phones & Tablets
Review your answers against right answers - Learn fast
Detail reports on your performance of all quiz attended
No limits on quiz, retry any number of times
- Mathematics in detail
- General knowledge - Awareness (GK)
- Including, Sports, Places, Events, etc
- Indian Polity (Political system)
- Basic economics & commerce Q/A (GK)
- Indian Freedom movement
- Indian History
- Indian Geography
- General Awareness
- English
- Reasoning
- Numeric Ability
- SSC Combined Graduate Level Examinations,
- NDA, CDS, Railway Exams, Post Office
- Civil services exam(IAS) prelims test series and study material.
- Public Administration
- Indian Polity
- Indian Economy
- Prelims Manuals
- Aptitude for CSAT and others
- Mains General Studies
General Awareness :- Civics, politics, art and culture, science, geography, sports, current affairs and history.
Reasoning and Military Aptitude :- Comprehension, error detection, english grammar, sentence completion, antonym and synonym.
Numerical Ability :- Simplification, decimal fraction, boats and streams, speed time and distance, time and work, problems based on ages, average, percentage, profit and loss, simple interest and compound interest.
Verbal Ability :- Spatial ability, analogy, coding and decoding and odd man out.
Engineering Knowledge Test (EKT) :- Electrical Engineering, Instrumentation Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering.
- Simple and user friendly interface.
- Topic wise tests for earlier year question papers.
- Works offline.
- Topic wise performance analysis is provided at the end of the test.
- Result analysis of each test.
- Review of tests is provided. The status of each question is shown.